Please use this form to estimate the volume of space required for your move.Simply enter the number you have of each item to calculate the total space requirement.Then enter your details to obtain a personalised quote from us. Bedrooms Baby Bath Bassinette Bed - Water Bed Double Bed King Bed Queen Bed Single Bedside Table/Chest Bookcase Bunks Chair Change Table Chest of Drawers Cot - Collapsable/Rigid Cupboard Desk Dressing Table Headboard Large Toys Mirror Play Pen Pram Stool Stroller Suitcase Table Lamp Toy Box/Chest Wardrobes (Large) Wardrobes (Small) Cartons / Boxes Book Boxes Picture Boxes Portarobes Removalist Cartons Striped Bags Lounge / Family Room Air Conditioners Bean Bag Bookcase China Cabinet Cocktail Cabinet Coffee Table Computer Desk Electric Organ Filing Cabinet Firescreen & Fire Set Heater Lounge 2 Seater Lounge 3 Seater Lounge Chair Lounge Modular Nest of Tables Ottoman/Pouffe Piano Stool Piano Upright/Grand Pool Table Rocker/Recliner Chair Roll Top Desk Standard Lamp Stereo & Speakers Television TV/Stereo Cabinet Video Wall Unit Lg/Sm Hall Carpets & Rugs Grandfather Clock Hall Stand/Table Hat Rack/Stand Pictures/Mirror Telephone Table Dining Room Bar or Crystal Cabinet Bookcase Buffet Chairs Pictures/Mirror Table Traymobile Kitchen Cabinet Chair Cupboard Dishwasher Freezer High Chair Kitchen Tidy Microwave Refrigerator Stool Table Laundry Brooms, Mops, etc Clothes Basket Clothes Horse/Airer Cupboard Drier Tumble/Cabinet Ironing Board Laundry Trolley Sewing Machine Stool Table Vacuum Cleaner Washing Machine Garage/Garden Aquarium Barbeque Beach Umbrella Bicycle Card Table Chairs Child's Table & Chairs Doll Pram Esky Folding Chair/Lounge Garbage Bin Garden Seat Garden Tools & Hose Golf Bag & Buggy Ladder Lawn Mower Outdoor Setting Pot Plants Large Pot Plants Small Rocking Horse Swing (Dismantled) Tool Box Tool Cupboard Trampoline (Dismantled) Tricycle Wading Pool Wheel Barrow Work Bench Additional Items Estimated Total Cubic Metres - 0m3 Contact Information First Name: * Last Name: * Phone: * E-mail: * Message: * required fields Move date: * Pickup address: * Pickup suburb: * Delivery address: * Delivery suburb: *